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Road signs and markings

Road signs and markings

You must know the meanings of the various road signs, traffic signals and road surface markings, and how to respond to them when you see them on the road. Study the overview given in The New Official K53 Manual well and you will more easily understand and remember all the road signs, signals and road markings detailed in the various road signs chapters of the Manual.

The purpose of road signs, signals and markings is to:
» regulate the safe flow of traffic;
» warn motorists of the conditions on the road ahead;
» provide information; and
» give guidance about routes and destinations.

How signs are presented
Road signs have three different forms:
» signs mounted on poles or overhead structures;
» markings painted on the road surface; and
» signals given by lights or by people.

Temporary signs
Many of the signs have yellow, red and black colour combinations. These are temporary signs, and the yellow colour is to draw attention to the temporary situation because these signs take precedence over any permanent signs nearby. Temporary regulatory signs must be obeyed.

IMPORTANT: You must know the meanings of all the road signs and markings and how the diver must respond when approaching them. You'll find all such detailed information in The New Official K53 Manual.

Regulatory signs
Regulatory signs are used to control the actions of drivers and traffic flow. They include traffic flow control signs that regulate the movement of traffic, command signs that tell you what to do, and also prohibition signs that indicate what is not allowed. It is an offence to disobey any of these signs. If you do so, you can be fined. There are temporary versions for some of these signs and they have yellow, red and black colour combinations.

Warning signs
Warning signs indicate potential dangers or hazards that you may come across on the road ahead. They are usually found some distance before the hazard to allow you plenty of time to react. The signs are white triangles with a red border and black message symbol or word. Temporary versions of the signs have a yellow background.

When you encounter a warning sign, look out for any stop, yield or other regulatory signs that may be displayed. Reduce speed and proceed with caution.

Hazard marker plates are rectangular red and white plates (or red and yellow for temporary versions) that are positioned at the hazard itself, for example, on a sharp bend or at an obstruction on or at the edge of the road.

Information signs
These signs provide information about the road ahead so that you can plan your road and lane usage accordingly.

Guidance signs
These signs give guidance regarding the route, and include, for example, distances and directions to destinations and public facilities, as well as traffic lane situations ahead.

Road surface markings
Road markings are traffic signs painted onto the road surface. They can be classified into Regulatory, Warning, and Information markings. They have the same meanings as the traffic signs mounted on poles or above the road, and drivers should react accordingly. Surface markings are painted in white, yellow or red, according to the message they convey.

As a general rule, you may not stop on a red line, you may not park on a yellow line, and you may not cross a solid white line, except those that cross the width of the road.

IMPORTANT: Full details of all the road signs - including their meanings and how the motorist should respond - are given in The New Official K53 Manual.

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