The learner's licence test
Learner's licence application requirements
Writing the test
What you must know
Road signs and markings
What you must know to pass your learner's test
Vehicle controls
Vehicle controls and instruments are items such as the steering wheel (handlebars for motorcycles), brakes,
clutch pedal, accelerator pedal, speedometer, and so on. You must know what each control is used for. The
following illustrations will explain these.
Note: Although the layout of the various controls may be different on different makes and models of vehicles,
their functions and purpose remain the same.
What is K53 all about?
The term K53 is simply a file reference that was used when the driving test was changed to incorporate a
particular method of 'defensive driving'. The K53 defensive driving system means being fully alert and attentive all the time while driving, in order to maintain
a clear space around your vehicle and avoid a collision with other road users. It also means that you must give
other road users advance warning of your intentions so that they too can use the road in safety.
A full explanation is given in
The New Official K53 Manual.
Road signs
You must know the meanings of the various road signs, traffic signals and road surface markings, and how to
respond to them when you see them on the road. Study the overview given in
The New Official K53 Manual well and you will more easily understand and remember all the road signs, signals and road markings detailed in the various road signs chapters of the Manual.
Rules of the road
The rules of the road are there to regulate traffic flow, to ensure safety, and to protect the rights of individual
road users. There are rules for speed limits, lane discipline, parking and lights.
It is compulsory to obey the rules of the road, and compliance with this aspect of road traffic law will greatly reduce the possibility of accidents,
injury and death on the roads.