The K53 driving licence test - light and heavy motor vehicles and motorcycles
K53 test scoring method
K53 test - Immediate failure items
The K53 Pre-Trip Inspection Of The Vehicle
The K53 yard test manoeuvres - motor vehicles
The K53 road test - motor vehicles
K53 motorcycle riding test
K53 motorcycle test track layout
K53 motorcycle riding test
Overview of the test
This is a practical test to determine the riding ability of motorcycle riders. The test consists of:
- a pre-trip inspection;
- a starting procedure; and
- a skills test.
The test is a measure of the motorcycle rider's:
- competence in handling a motorcycle;
- compliance with traffic rules, road signs and surface markings; and
- use of the K53 system of vehicle control.
This test has been designed for riders of solo (two-wheeled) motorcycles, and not for three-wheeled (tricycle)
or four-wheeled (quad-bike) motorcycles, nor for a motorcycle with a sidecar.
During the test, you will not be allowed to smoke or use a cell phone.
Test structure
Part One:
- pre-trip inspection of the motorcycle's roadworthiness;
- starting and stopping the engine;
- speed management and control;
- moving off and turning left;
- changing lane to the right; and
- stopping on an incline and then moving off, without rolling back.
Part Two:
- turning speed judgement (to the left and to the right);
- emergency stops;
- emergency swerves to the left and to the right; and
- stopping in a controlled manner.
Throughout the test, the following items will be marked with penalty points as necessary:
- violation of a traffic law;
- uncontrolled actions;
- dangerous actions;
- collisions; and
- mechanical failure.
Examiner's instructions
Before the commencement of Part One of the test, the examiner will tell you that:
- you must do the observations and give the appropriate signals as would be necessary when driving on a public road;
- you must wear a properly fastened crash helmet throughout the test;
- both wheels must remain in contact with the road surface at all times;
- while you are performing a manoeuvre you must not touch the boundary lines for that manoeuvre - if you do, you will fail the test. (You will, however, not be penalised for touching any boundary lines when moving the vehicle to the next manoeuvre.);
- all road signs, signals, rules and markings must be obeyed throughout the test;
- you must switch off the engine when the motorcycle is unattended;
- no uncontrolled or dangerous action will be permitted; and
- you may ask questions about any of the above.
Other important notes
- Prior to the commencement of a manoeuvre, the examiner will give you the instructions and explanation only when the motorcycle is stationary.
- Immediately after moving off, you must place both feet on the motorcycle's footrests.
- If you feel that the test is too difficult, you may discontinue at any stage. However, in order to pass, you must complete the entire test.
Details of every motorcycle test manoeuvre is explained in full detail (with illustrations) in
The New Official K53 Manual together with the sequences in which the K53 defensive driving actions must be carried out. These sequences are not all exactly the same for every manoeuvre, so be sure to study each one carefully.
View the K53 motorcycle test track layout >>